Rabu, 26 September 2012

effect of ethylene on fruit ripening

Maturation is the beginning of the process kelayuan, organizations disrupted cells, where the enzyme mix, resulting in hydrolysis, namely splitting chlorophyll, starch, pectin and tannins, forming: ethylene, pigment, flavor, energy and polypeptides.
Affecting the activity of ethylene are:
1. Temperature. High temperature (> 350C) ethylene formation does not occur. The optimum temperature of formation of ethylene (tomatoes, apples) 320C, while for the other fruits lower.
2. Mechanical wounding and infection. Fruit broken, bruised, and a nest of caterpillars eat
3. Radioactive rays
4. Presence of O2 and CO2. When O2 is lowered and elevated CO2 inhibited the maturation process. And if the situation does not occur anaerobically ethylene formation
5. The interaction with the hormone auxin. If the concentration of auxin increases, ethylene will increase
6. The level of maturity
Ethylene can accelerate the klimaterik:
• Avocados are stored in normal air will mature after 11 days
• When available 10 ppm ethylene for 24 hours, then the fruit will mature on the sixth day.

2.1.2 Sources of Ethylene in the Environment
Form of air pollutants during postharvest confectionary, burning, lamp type lights, cigarette smoke, and rubber materials are exposed to heat or UV light and virus infected plants.
The process of protein synthesis occurs in the maturation process of natural or hormonal glance, where the protein is synthesized as soon as the process of maturation. Fruit ripening and inhibited by protein synthesis in the early phase siklohexamin klimatoris after siklohexamin missing, then the synthesis of ethylene not have problems. Synthesis of ribonucleic also required in the process of maturation. Ethylene enhances the synthesis of RNA on a green mango.
Ethylene can also be formed by the activity of auxin and ethylene able to eliminate the activity of auxin as ethylene can damage cell polarity transport, on condition anearobpembentukan inhibited ethylene, O2 than temperature also affects the formation of ethylene. Ethylene formation rate decreases at temperatures above 30 0 C and stopped at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C, so that the mass storage of the fruit with anaerobic conditions would stimulate the formation of ethylene by the fruit. Ethylene produced by the cumulative effect of each fruit and fruit stimulate others to mature faster.
Fruit based content amilumnya, divided into fruit and fruit klimaterik nonklimaterik. Klimaterik fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of starch, sepertipisang, mango, apple and avocado ripeness can be stimulated by ethylene. Etilenendogen produced by the fruit that has been cooked by itself can stimulate the maturation of the fruit bunch brooded. The fruit is a fruit that contains nonklimaterik amilumnya few, such as oranges, grapes, watermelon and pineapple. Provision of ethylene on the type of fruit can stimulate respiration rate, but can not stimulate endogenous ethylene production and ripening fruit.
Physiological changes that occur sealam maturation process is the process of respiration kliamterik, allegedly in the process of ripening by ethylene affects respiration klimaterik in two ways, namely:
1. Ethylene affects membrane permeability, cell permeability becomes so great, that resulted in the softening process that accelerated respiration metabolism.
2. During klimaterik, increased protein content and is believed to stimulate protein synthesis of ethylene over at that point. Proteins are formed will be seen in the maturation process and the process klimaterik enzymes increased respiration.

Fruits of significant importance as the source vitamine, mineral, and other zatzat in nutrition support. Fruits can be eaten both raw state or after reaching maturity. Most of the fruit is eaten is the fruit that has reached maturity. To improve the yield of fruit that ripen either kualias and quantity of certain substances can be tried with the other growth regulator substances Ethylene. By knowing the role of ethylene in fruit ripening we can determine its use in fruit ripening industry or even prevent the production and storage activities in an effort ethyelen fruits. Ethylene originally known in ripe fruit by the carrier for shipment from tropica fruit Yamaika to Europe in 1934, at the ripe banana up out of gas that can also stimulate the maturation of immature fruit. Since then Ethylene (CH2 = CH2) is used as a means of ripening fruit in the industry.
Ethylene is a gas that can be classified as a growth regulator substances (phytohormon) active in maturation. Can be called as a hormone because it has met the requirements of the hormone, which is produced by plants, besifat car in plant tissues and is an organic compound. As with other hormone ethylene also influential in the growth and development of plants such as potato tuber dormancy break, induces the release of the leaves or leaf abscission, induce flowering pineapple. Denny and Miller (1935) found that ethylene in fruit, flowers, seeds, leaves and fruit ripening akar.Proses often associated with a series of changes that can be seen include the color, aroma, consistency and flavor (taste and odor). The combination of these attributes will contribute to the possibility of delicious edible fruits. The ripening process is preceded by a climacteric fruit (the fruit climacteric).

Senin, 24 September 2012

reaction of alkanes and alkenes

1. Substitution reaction

Substitution reaction is a reaction involving the replacement of an atom / group of atoms in the molecule with the atom / group of atoms other. Substitution reactions generally occur in saturated compounds (single) without any change in the characteristics of bonds (fixed saturated)
A + B - C -> A - C + B
Example substitution reaction:
Haloalkane formation reaction: reaction of alkanes with halogens
R - H + X2 -> R - X + H - X
CH3 - H + Cl2 -> CH3 - Cl + HCl
Substitution reaction of H atoms in the alcohol with reactive metals (Na, K)
H atom in the group - OH can be substituted by a reactive metal such as Na and K
R - OH + Na -> R - Ona + H2
2 C2H5 - OH + 2 Na -> 2 C2H5 - Ona + H2
Reaction alkoxy alkanes (ether) with PCl5 produces haloalkane
R - O - R '+ PCl5 -> R - Cl + R' - Cl + POCl3
CH3 - O - CH3 + PCl5 -> CH3Cl CH3Cl + + POCl3
Esterification reaction: ester formation reaction of alcohols and carboxylic acids
R - OH + R '- COOH -> R "- COOR + H - OH
CH3 - OH + CH 3 - COOH -> CH 3 - COOCH3 + H2O
2. Addition reaction

Addition reaction is the reaction of carbon compounds involves combining molecules. Addition reactions can also be interpreted as a reaction to the termination of the double bond (unsaturated) into single bonds (saturated).

Example substitution reaction:
H2 addition reaction to form alkanes to alkenes
H2C = CH2 + H2 -> H3C - CH3

H2 addition reaction to form a primary alcohol alkanal
C = O bond in alkanal reacts with H2 to produce a primary alcohol.

Also called reduction reaction due to the decrease in oxidation C

H2 addition reaction to ketones / alkanon produce secondary alcohols
C = O bond in alkanon / ketones react with H2 to produce secondary alcohols.

Reduction of H2O on a carboxylic acid to produce a secondary alcohol
C = O bonds in carboxylic acids will be open due to the addition of a strong reducing agent to produce a primary alcohol

3. Elimination reaction

Elimination reaction is a decomposition reaction of a molecule to other molecules in which one molecule is said to be eliminated. Eliminiasi reaction can also be said as a reaction to the formation of a single bond double bond (the reverse of an addition reaction).

H2 elimination reactions of alkanes to alkenes
CH3 - CH2 - CH3 -> CH 3 - CH = CH2 + H2
Water elimination reaction (dehydrogenation) of alcohol
Alcohol can react to form alkenes in the presence of excess of concentrated H2SO4 at 180oC temperature.
CH3 - CH2 - OH -> CH2 = CH2 + H2O

HX elimination reaction of haloalkane (dehydrohalogenation)
Haloalkane R - X can react with the group - OH is soluble in alcohol such as NaOH or CH3OK etanolis, forming an alkyne.

4. The oxidation reaction

The reaction involves an oxidant such as O2, O3, and KMnO4. Important oxidation reactions are with O2 reaction known as combustion.
Examples of oxidation reactions:

Oxidation of primary alcohols, secondary, and tertiary
Primary alcohols, secondary, and tertiary react differently to oxidizing agents such as K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, and O2.
Oxidation of primary alcohols, secondary, and tertiary More can be seen here.
Alkoxy alkane oxidation reaction (ether)
Alkoxy alkane compounds react with O2 to form hydroperoxides

Oxidation reaction at alkanal / aldehyde
Alkanal oxidation reaction is used as the identification of the reaction between alkanal / alkanon aldehyde / ketone. Check out the full update here.

Oxidation alkanon / ketones
Alkanon can not reduce weak oxidizing agents such as Fehling solution and the solution tollens. This attribute is used to distinguish isomers alkanon of functions, namely alkanal / aldehyde. Check out the information here.

Alkanoic acid oxidation reaction
Alkanoic acid oxidation reaction occurs only in amino acid and 1.2 etanadioat metanoat

5. Polymerization reaction

Polymerization reaction involves the incorporation of small molecules called monomers into a long chain molecules called polymers or. You can listen to the properties of polymers by clicking here. Polymerization reaction can be divided into two:

Addition polymerization: monomers combine to form a polymer
Monomer monomer + + + monomer. . . -> Polymer
Some monomer polymerizes adducts can be seen in the following table.

Condensation polymerization: monomers together to form polymers with the release of small molecules such as H2O and HCl
Monomer monomer + + + monomer. . . -> Polymer + small molecules
Some monomers undergo condensation polymerization can be seen in the following table.

PET: a polyester that can theoretically be made from mixing flatat acid (carboxylic acid) and ethylene glycol (alcohol).
Nylon 6.6: is a polyamide with a group - CON - formed from the polymerization of 1,6-diaminoheksana acid and 1,6-heksadioat.
Bakelite: a polymer formed from the polymerization of methanal and phenol.
Perspex: perspex theoretically formed from polymerization propanone (a ketone) and methanal (aldehyde)

utilization of hydrocarbons in daily life - days

• 2. Clothing Food Field Field Field Hidrokarbo Benefits Sector Board Sector Aesthetics Art Examples of products of each compound
• 3. Field of Food Carbohydrates: - For daily meals, a lot of the food we eat contains carbohydrates Propylene glycol: - As a flavoring ingredient - Solvent dyes makananHumektan: - a food additive (water-absorbent material from the air)
• 4. Field PanganGas ethylene and acetylene gas (ethyne): - Accelerate the ripening fruit. For example, mango, bananas, and melons. - Ethylene produced from the cracking of petroleum fractions - Acetylene produced during pengkarbitan.
• 5. Field Clothing Many developed yangterbuat fabric of polimer.Contohnya, polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and the products from material polietilen.Beberapa polimeradalah: - Jacket - Gloves - Shoes - Rok women - Bandages
• 6. Field Board Propylene: For roofs (gentengplastik), furniture, equipment interiorrumah, bumper cars, tables, chairs, dishes, dll.Polistirena: As foam heat barrier installed in homes that are in cold regions.
• 7. Propylene glycol is the Arts: Creating artificial smoke in theatrical performances and musikPolipropilena: If made into plastics materials, dapatdicetak into various shapes yangmenarik and high art
• 8. Field EstetikaTerpena:-As a fragrance raw materials - to produce a scent of roses and lavender
• 9. Carbohydrates or saccharides are a large class of organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Molecular forms of sugar combustion reaction in the body: the simplest carbohydrates consist of one C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2 (inhaled air) -> molecules of simple sugars. If karbonEnergi atom + 6CO2 (air excluded) + 6H2O denoted as black balls, (perspiration or urine). okeigen red and white hydrogen the three-dimensional shape of the molecule of glucose would like the picture beside it. Carbohydrates are important food ingredients and other examples of energy contained in plant products and animal meat.
• 10. Propylene glycol GlikolPropilena also called 1,2-propanediol or propane-1 ,2-diol, organic merupakansenyawa with formula C3H8O2 atauHO-CH2-CHOH-CH3. Propilenaglikol, tidakberwarna nearly odorless, clear, viscous liquid denganrasa vaguely sweet, and soluble with water, acetone, and chloroform. Examples of products
• 11. HumektanHumektan makananyang the additives can absorb moisture, sehinggadapat maintain water levels in the humectant is glycerol biasadigunakan makanan.Contoh as a humectant in cheese, ice cream and the like. Triaseti biasadigunakan as a humectant in adonankue. Examples of products
• 12. Gaseous ethylene and acetylene gas (ethyne) Ethylene is a growth hormone produced darihasil normal metabolism in plants. Berperandalam Ethylene fruit ripening and leaf loss. Etilendisebut also ethene. Tumbuhanditemukan ethylene compounds in the gas phase, so called gasetilen. Ethylene gas is colorless and easily menguap.Etilen has a fairly simple structure dandiproduksi in higher plants. Examples of products
• 13. Gaseous ethylene and acetylene gas (ethyne) Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is a hydrocarbon belonging to the alkyne, with the formula C2H2. Acetylene is the simplest alkyne, as it consists of two atoms of carbon and two atoms of CH hidrogen.HC Examples of products
• 14. Cracking and PengkarbitanCracking: Decomposition (breakdown) molecules into molecular senyawahidrokarbon large-molekulsenyawa more kecil.Pengkarbitan: Calcium carbide, carbide we call it, when in contact with water vapor airatau will produce acetylene gas. Gasini its chemical structure is similar to Etilenalami. Because it is filled with acetylene gas, the fruit will ripen simultaneously ferment.
• 15. polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and polyethylene. Nylon is a synthetic polymer family which was created in 1935 by Wallace Carothers at DuPont. The first product is a high-bristle toothbrush nylon (1938), followed by the better known products: tights for women in 1940. Examples of products
• 16. polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and polyethylene. Polyurethane is a type of polymer that is very unique and widely used. Polyurethanes discovered in 1937 by prof. Otto Bayer as forming fibers that are designed to match the nylon fibers. Examples of products
• 17. polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and polietilen.Polipropilena or polipropena (PP) is sebuahpolimer thermo-plastic made by industrikimia and used in a variety of applications, including packaging, textiles (eg ropes, thermal underwear and carpets), stationery , berbagaitipe re terpakaikan containers and plastic parts, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, and polymer banknotes. Examples of products
• 18. polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and polietilen.Poliester is a polymer (a chain of repeated dariunit) where each unitdihubungkan by an ester linkages. Hampirsemua uniform you wear may terbuatdari polyester. To facilitate pengenalannyabisa seen from the price. Price clothing terbuatdari synthetic polyester yarns are usually relatively lebihmurah compared bahandasar clothes made of cotton, silk or other natural fibers. Examples of products
• 19. polyester, polypropylene, polyurethane, nylon, and polietilen.Polietilena (abbreviated PE) (IUPAC: polythene) is a thermoplastic used in consumer products as a bag luasoleh plastik.Sekitar 60 million tons of plastic are produced each tahunnya.Polietilena is a polymer consisting of rantaipanjang monomer ethylene (IUPAC: ethene). Diindustri polymers, polyethylene PE written dengansingkatan Examples of products
• 20. PolistirenaPolistirena monomerstirena is a polymer, a liquid hydrocarbon that is made from petroleum secarakomersial. At room temperature, polystyrene is normally a solid thermoplastic, dapatmencair at higher temperatures. Stirenatergolong aromatic compounds. Examples of products
• 21. TerpenaTerpena a hydrocarbon suatugolongan banyakdihasilkan by plant sap and danterutama terkandungpada cell vacuoles. Ginko bilobaPada plant terpene compounds senyawagolongan danmodifikasinya, terpenoids, a metabolite produced leaves sekunder.Terpena and terpenoids ekaliptuspula by a number of animals, insects and some products Contohterutama
• 22. Product examples KarbohidratKarbohidrat on the nasikentang Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Carbohydrates on the bread
• 23. Examples of products Propelina glikolEmulsifer on MSG cake food dye Smoke on musical
• 24. Examples of products HumektanAdonan cheese cake ice cream peanut butter
• 25. Product examples Ethylene and ethylene AsetilenaGas Cigarettes contain acetylene gas
• 26. Example Product Gloves Nylon strings gitarkaus
• 27. Examples of products Poliuretanpoliuretan tire shine
• 28. Examples of products Polipropelinapanci Pot plants Carpet
• 29. Sample Products Polyester Jacket Uniform amplasSprei
• 30. Sample Pills polietilenPembalut Polyethylene Products
• 31. Examples Polystyrene Products SterofoamBusa penahanpanas in cold regions rumahdi cork used in mading school students
• 32. Examples of terpene Bio Products Bath Oil of eucalyptus leaves are produced terpenadari mengandungTerpena Ginko Biloba plant lipstick perfume
• 33. Conclusion In our compounds hasilpengolahan petroleum dapatdimanfaatkan much in everyday life. Selaindimanfaatkan in everyday life harisenyawa hsail puladi petroleum processing can be utilized as fuel, petroleum hasilpengolahan and can be utilized Such compounds include yaituuntuk areas of food, carbohydrates can be used for field areas of clothing, daily food, lots of food we makanpapan , the arts, and aesthetics fields contain carbohydrates. Propylene glycol dapa
• 34. Such compounds include, namely, carbohydrates can be used to makanansehari Conclusion-day, much of the food that we makanmengandung carbohydrates. Propylene glycol as an ingredient dapatdimanfaatkan danpelarut flavor food dye. Humectant dapatdimanfaatkan as a food additive (water-absorbent material from the air). Dangas ethylene gas acetylene (ethyne) can be used to speed ripening fruit. For example, mango, bananas, and melons. Ethylene production daricracking petroleum fraction, acetylene dihasilkanselama pengkarbitan. Polymers can menghasilkanbermacam - kind of production such as: Jackets, Gloves, Shoes, Skirts Pembalut.Propilena women and can be used as the roof of the house
• 35. KesimpulanPolistirena busapenahan can be used as heat-rumahyang installed in homes in cold regions. Glikoldapat propylene used to make smoke buatandalam theater and music. Polipropilenadeapat utilized if made into bahanpalstik, can be molded into various bentukyang interesting and of high artistic merit. Terpenadapat minyakwangi used as raw materials and can produce bungamawar and lavender aroma. That compound senyawahasil dapatmenghasilkan petroleum processing and used for kehidupansehari-har


Hydrocarbons are the simplest alkane, a hydrocarbon that contains only single covalent bonds. Hydrocarbons are compounds whose molecular structure consists of hydrogen and carbon. The simplest molecule of the alkane is methane. Methane is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, is a major component of natural gas (Wilbraham, 1992).

Hydrocarbons can be classified according to a variety of carbon-carbon bonds they contain. Hydrocarbons with carbon-carbon single bond has called saturated hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons with two or more carbon atoms having two or three bonds called unsaturated hydrocarbons (Fessenden, 1997).

Hydrogen and its compounds, generally divided into three major groups, namely:

1. Hydrogen consists of aliphatic carbon chain that does not cover cyclic wake. This group is often referred to as the open-chain hydrocarbons or cyclic hydrocarbons. Examples of aliphatic hydrocarbons, namely:

C2H6 (ethane) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 (pentane)

2. Alicyclic hydrocarbon or cyclic hydrocarbon composed of carbon atoms arranged in a ring or more.

3. Aromatic hydrocarbons are a special class of cyclic compounds that are usually described as a ring of six with a single bond and a double bond bersilih changed. The group is classified separately from acyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons because of its unique physical and chemical properties (Shukri, 1999).

For saturated hydrocarbons, all of the carbon atoms in the alkane has four single bonds and no lone pairs. The electrons are bound strongly by both atoms. Consequently, these compounds are quite stable and is also called paraffin which means less reactive (Wilbraham, 1992).

Carbon-carbon of a hydrocarbon can come together as a chain or a ring. Saturated hydrocarbons with the atoms together in a straight chain or branched chain alkanes are classified as. A mean of each straight-chain carbon atoms of alkanes is tied to no more than two other carbon atoms. A branched-chain alkanes containing at least one carbon atom bonded to three other carbon atoms or more (Fessenden, 1997).

Straight-chain alkanes:

CH3 - CH2 - CH3

Branched-chain alkanes:

CH3 - CH - CH2 - CH3


Compounds of low molecular weight gaseous and liquid, high-molecular-weight substances are solid. Alkanes are nonpolar substance, a substance that is not soluble in water with a liquid density of less than 1.0 g / ml. In addition there is also alkanes alkenes are hydrocarbons which have one or more double bond carbon-carbon. The compound is said to be saturated because it does not have the maximum number of atoms that actually can fit any carbon (Pettruci, 1987).

Aliphatic hydrocarbons derived from petroleum, while aromatic hydrocarbons from coal. All hydrocarbons, aliphatic and aromatic have three general properties, which are not soluble in water, is lighter than water and burns in air (Wilbraham, 1992)

Merupkan alkane hydrocarbons from unsaturated aldehyde can be reacted with acetaldehyde, Zn metal in acid and added H2SO4, following the addition of H2SO4 then changes color changes to dark brown, dense metal that Zn as for being late due to the influence of H2SO4. This reaction is called reduction Clemensen, while the reaction is as follows:


CH3 - C - H Zn + H2SO4 C2H6

Zn metal were to act as a reductant, whereas concentrated H2SO4 serves as an oxidant. This is what causes the color change. Acetaldehyde is a group of easily reduced to aldehyde compounds with the same number of atoms number. Zinc metal is added to function as a reductant (oxidized), whereas concentrated H2SO4 solution as an oxidant (is reduced).

gas missions that have an influence on human health and global warming is often not a priority in any policy made by many countries in the world. How badly actual consequences gas emissions can we trace below.

Indeed, gas emissions from the offerings in human activity is a consequence of everyday life on planet earth. Emissions that occurred, was not solely derived from human activities, but also of the natural process. For example, the leaf respiration, volcanic eruption, the natural life in the woods, spontaneous fires in the woods, and the biochemical processes that occur in the swamp. The gas emitted naturally, according to Dr. dr. SKM Purwaka Rachmadhi School of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, is part of the recycling process that always occurs dynamically in order to equilibrium naturally.

"For the amount of emissions that the offerings are still within the limits of the natural ability to recycle re-reschedule, gas emissions will not significantly disrupt life on Earth. However, if the gas resulting from human activity has been beyond kepasitas natural recycling, of course cause a buildup of gas, not only on the micro-environment, but also has led to faltering balance of the macro environment, which are in the form of global warming that does not directly result in public health , "said Rachmadhi.

In addition to the indirect effects of the gas, the gas content types that emissions of any potential direct effect on public health.

The presence of several components that form gas emissions from motor vehicles (carbon monoxide, nitrogen gas, and the gas nitrogen oxide gases and gas-hydrocarbons) and this is a xenobiotic substance (substances foreign to the human body), also cause a variety of health problems in humans directly. Carbon monoxide, for example, will cause interference with the transport of oxygen in the body system. Nitrogen oxide gases are gases that potentially lower the body's immunity, and hydrocarbon gases, obviously it can cause irritation, body system disorders and cancer.

Global Warming
According Rachmadhi, global warming began to be realized when at about the decade of the 1960s to the 1970s, experts are faced with data regarding the cessation of cooling air. Previously, the earth cools at a rate of half a degree every year. However, the process of global warming when it is detected in the northern hemisphere, causing the cooling of the earth stalled. Since then, conditions continued to global warming which leads to an increase in air temperature.

The experts who are members of the body of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States, and believes that global warming caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere as a result of human activities offering. The presence of carbon dioxide in large quantities is like to be a shock for the degree of reflection or albedo of the earth to the sun which allows the earth to avoid overheating. Reflection of the earth to the sun was due to the reflection of sunlight by dust particles, clouds, water, snow, and ice.

In addition to carbon dioxide, some other gases are also known to contribute to global warming. The gases in question, among other things, gas ozone found in lower layers of the atmosphere, methane, chlorofluorocarbon gases, nitrogen oxide gases, and water vapor. Clouds are a deterrent sunlight heating the Earth, it also blocks the release of the reflected heat of the earth so that played a role in the process of global warming.

According Rachmadhi, it is known that carbon dioxide has the largest contribution in its effect on global warming, which is as much as 49 percent, while only 18 per cent methane, chlorofluorocarbon gases by 14 percent, nitrogen oxide gases 6 percent, and other gases by 13 percent. Thus, it can be said that of all kinds of gases causing global warming, carbon dioxide is the most dangerous gases. Conversely, global warming by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide through effect, it is a precondition for human life and most animals. If this process does not occur, the average air temperature at the earth's surface is minus 20 degrees Celsius.

However, in the recent period, the earth gets redundant supply of the gases. The burning of forests and fossil fuels, industry, power generation and motor vehicle emissions contribute to greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. "The supply of these gases occur in excess and concentrated in certain places," he said.

Due to presence of Increased Number of People and Development
An increasing number of people and the accompanying development aselerasi, give rise to the availability of foodstuffs multiplied many times compared to the past. Traditional farming patterns no longer able to meet the food needs of the world's insistence, so that agricultural patterns through a revolution that forced the felling of forest for the purpose of farming land and shelter.

With the opening of farmland that causes tearing down forests absorbing carbon dioxide through the process of assimilation, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere becomes uncontrollable. Under ordinary circumstances the forest and vegetation in general is one of the elements that contribute to transform carbon dioxide into ingredients for growth for plants in the recycling of carbon. "According to estimates, if the other conditions to support, required plant 20 billion trees every year to be able to absorb 67 percent of annual emissions of carbon dioxide gas in the United States," he said.

In addition to carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon gases, which are a group of man-made gas, also have an influence on global warming. Chlorofluorocarbon gases emissions are not the result of human activity offerings. Gas group was created for several purposes, among them, as the refrigerant (or Freon dichlorodifluoromethane), solvents in industry, detergent electronic components, an additive in paint volatile materials, manufacture of rubber plastic foam (polyurethane foam rubber), and aerosol spray tube. "Although the amount of chlorofluorocarbon gases is much less than the amount of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon each molecule potential greenhouse gas effect by 10 thousand times in comparison with the molecules carbon dioxide gas," he said.

Once entered into the atmosphere, gases chlorofluorocarbons can last between 75 years up to 110 years. While there, the gas will act to eliminate ozone gas Earth's protective shield against excessive sunlight. Due to excess sun's effect on the incidence of changes in climate, animal life and flora. Phytoplankton and algae food for fish killed by excessive sun this. As a result, gas absorption kardon dioxide by the amount of water that dead flora also participated reduced.

Global warming is also a process over which poses some environmental factors effects on human life, such as the possibility of melting icebergs that will submerge some parts of the land, climate change resulting in food shortages population. Continued to take into account is the result of the migration of the population of the earth as it did in the ancient ice age with the potential for social unrest mankind globally.

Increasing the temperature of the Earth would result in a very extreme climate changes on Earth. This can lead to disruption of forests and other ecosystems, thereby reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global warming resulting in the melting of icebergs in the polar regions that could lead to rising sea levels. The greenhouse effect will also lead to rising sea temperatures that sea water expands and sea level rise occurred which resulted in the island nation will have a huge influence.

According to the simulation calculations, the greenhouse effect has increased the Earth's average temperature 1-5 ° C. If the trend of increasing greenhouse gases remain as it will lead to an increase in global warming between 1.5 to 4.5 ° C around the year 2030. With increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat waves reflected from the Earth's surface is absorbed the atmosphere. This will result in earth's surface temperature to rise.