Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Why carbon atoms tend to bind duplex

why it tends to bind carbon copies?

this can be explained by the theory of hybridization, in which the theory is able to explain the fatal pull of the C - H, for example, the methane (CH4), which is a simple hydrocarbon compounds, in which the four electrons from four H atoms are not just given to four valence electrons of carbon but there is a process of hybridization, and this is what causes it to become carbon double bond, either in a single or triplicate, and the dual iktan who do not have the orbital hybridization, and this theory can only predict but not could explain why the reaction can occur

the carbon atom bonded neighbors can occur 3 possibility :
1. carbon atoms form a single bond
     this happens in the orbital S and called a sigma bond hybrid orbitals SP3 and tetrahedron-shaped   molecule with an angle of 109.5 degrees. This compound is called saturated hydrocarbons
2. carbon atoms form a double bond
    occurred in the orbital P and is called a pi bond. angle changes due to two orbital P orbitals SP2 parallel to form an angle of 120 degrees
3. carbon atoms form a triple bond
     there are 2 orbitals of P in parallel so as to change the orbital position of the SP to form an angle of 180 degrees planar

4 komentar:

  1. maybe the answer is not good or even inappropriate, to no one koment

  2. i have a question
    we know that the hydrocarbon has many benefits in various fields
    Are hydrocarbons have negative efefk for humans and the environment?
    whether the dangers that can be caused and how to overcome them

  3. thank you for the question, I'll answer as best I
    as we all know that chemicals certainly have a negative impact although the chemical will also have many benefits but we can not say that it was good chemicals,
    the negative impacts of carbon between the global warming and air pollution, and the most dangerous is carbon monoxide,
    I think that the way to prevent that is by utilizing the necessary carbon and not used to excess carbon despite very useful
